20 things to do when business is slow

Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?

The economy is… not doing so well. As we speak, prices for everything are surging, and creative projects may or may not be dwindling. You, as a creative business owner, may or may not be feeling the building pressure, as you start to notice that either:

  1. Project inquiries have decreased

  2. Pricing complaints have increased

  3. Your lead time to book has shortened considerably

And so, once again, you may or may not be feeling desperate enough to… oh, I don’t know, stage a coup (on yourself) while standing on the roof of your building and forcing everyone else to watch you potentially fall into a bouncy castle.

My friend, need I remind you that you’ve gone through much worse? And that you were all the better for it?

Regardless, I understand just how scary, difficult, confusing and overwhelming it can be to experience a slow season. It feels a bit like having the bottom of your moving vehicle fall out, and being forced to waddle on hot asphalt with bare feet.

Not fun. Lots of road rash, plenty of “oh, ah, hot, hot, hot,” and some super sore calves and quads.

So, here’s a list of 20 things you can do during your slow season. 20 things that’ll help charge you back up (personally), and also inspire you to grow (professionally). Give them a try. I double dog dare you.

20 things to do when business gets slow 

1. Read more: for business and fun.

I know that it’s a common belief in this creative business world that you should *always* have a personal development book in hand. But I’m here to tell you that reading a truly inspiring, enjoyable, “I’m forgetting about the world entirely,” book can feed your spirit and your mind. You’re a creative; being fed in different ways is always ideal. 

2. Start a personal challenge.

Whether it’s a new workout regimen or committing to getting a certain amount of sun, movement, and water in per day, or selling a majority of the things in your closet because you’re starting to hoard, choose a goal and make it a personal challenge.

And then reward yourself. It’s fun.

3. Get some spring cleaning done.

You know that one closet that has piles of things in it that you haven’t touched or looked at in years? Why not clear that out now instead of waiting until the next time you move? Eh?

4. Get a new dog (kidding, kind of).

5. Batch your content.

Use your free time now so that when the time comes that you’re too busy to create content, your past self already has you covered. Batch your blogs, emails and Instagram posts, but don’t force yourself to over create. You know you can repurpose content across all platforms without weirding your audience out, right?

Learn my 3-step process to creating content for all platforms

6. Sit down and think.

About your goals, your growth, and where you want to see things taken next.

7. Think some more.

It’s so important, I mentioned it twice. You’ve likely taken a bit to think about where you came from and where you are now, but have you really peeled back the layers to determine whether you’re truly happy and fulfilled? Whether you even LIKE your clients or the people you’ve been targeting? Whether things are actually perfect, or things need to change? 

8. Review your content schedule and marketing strategy.

How are things working for you? Is it time to freshen up?

9. Join business-related FB groups.

And don’t just lurk. Help people when they ask for help, or post questions and thoughts for others to chime in on. Finding community can be a huge help in the slower season, and might even inspire you!

10. Schedule a zoom (or in person) coffee date with a business friend.

Having someone to talk to and tell you that they, too, are going through some weirdness can be a saving grace. 

11. Compile a list of your dream clients, and start brainstorming ways you’d be able to work for them. 

Get specific. Get so specific, you find yourself creating a moodboard or pitch deck just for fun.

12. Take that list ^ and start cold pitching.


  • Have the time

  • Have the resources

  • Need and want the work

There are literally no more excuses 💅Cold emailing and pitching is fun, promise. You’ll be able to reach your dream clients and brands far more efficiently by emailing them directly, AND you’ll impress them because you’re the best. Win, win.

Learn my cold emailing method (blog)

Learn my cold emailing method (video tutorial)

 Purchase my cold emailing templates and workbook of lesson plans

13. Make a new freebie (and opt-in form and welcome workflow).

14. Revisit your website’s home page.

Is your mission statement/one-liner still reflective of your brand, voice and offer? Does it make YOU want to buy or book with you? If not, why not give it a facelift? 

Find out if your website is hurting your business

15. Add that page (or two) to your website that you’ve been meaning to.

Whether it’s a resources, portfolio, or more detailed services page, updating things will not only boost your website’s SEO, BUT it’ll help you book more business in the long run, too. 

16. Start a new blog series for your audience, and let them know what they can expect to see in the future.

17. Spend time engaging with your audience on Instagram. 

Chances are, you’re feeling a little stressed about continuing to create *new* and exciting content; when’s the last time you logged in and just spent time with your community?

Build an engaged audience in just 30 minutes

18. Do something that inspires you, even if it feels frivolous.

Twirl in a meadow after watching Sound of Music. Go to a museum. Ride in the car with your head hanging out of the window. Attempt to become an artist. Your call.

19. When things feel bleak, sit down and write out all of the reasons why you left your previous job (and started a business). 

Then, write out all of the reasons why you love working for yourself. I can almost promise you that you’ll look at that list and think, “yep, I’m still glad I did this, even though things feel tough.”

20. Send out client thank you gifts, just because. 

Show your current or previous clients how much you appreciate them with a simple and affordable gift. Whether it’s just a handwritten thank you card, or a $5 Starbucks e-gift, they’ll appreciate you appreciating them. 

It always gets better, promise. 

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