Writing a book is all fun and games until it’s time to edit.

Whether you’re writing a novel or short story, I’m here to help.

Strategic High-Converting Website Copywriting Services | Alway Services

Line & Copy Editing

You probably already know what this entails, but that doesn’t mean I won’t still tell you about it. By “line editing,” I really mean that I’ll take care of:






—Word Usage (I.e., homophones, keeping an eye out for that one word you can’t seem to stop using, but that’ll maybe weird your audience out, etc.)



—Sentence Structure



I’ll be your second brain and another set of eyes to ensure that your writing is as tight and true to you as possible.

Request a custom proposal for your copy editing project here!


Developmental editing for new and upcoming authors | Alway Services

Developmental Editing

Maybe you’re in the early stages of writing your manuscript. Maybe you’re halfway through and utterly stumped about what to write next. Either way, allow me to help by serving as your developmental editor.

I’ll read through your manuscript and chapter outline to provide editorial feedback on your plot, storyline, character development, and check up on historical accuracy (if needed) while offering advice on where to cut things down or build things out.

My developmental editing service is offered as a standalone, flat-rate service, or it can be bundled into your line editing package (see The Whole Shebang below).

Request a custom proposal for your copy editing project here!

Developmental and line editing + proofreading for self publishing authors

The Whole Shebang

Could I have just included this information in the developmental editing box above? Yes.

Would that have been as much fun? No.

So here we are.

Allow me to serve as your developmental and line editor and final proofreader for your upcoming book. That’s right—I’ll edit your manuscript line by line, help you build out your plot, and perform one final proofreading pass to make sure no errors made their way back into your book right as you got ready to publish.

Request a custom proposal for your copy editing project here!



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