(Emotionally) Surviving Inflation as a Creative Small Business Owner

Alright, I’ll be honest: this blog has zero financial tips to help you survive inflation. 

Why? Because I’m in no way a financial expert. In fact, me giving you professional financial tips would be similar to me deciding to become a science teacher for high schoolers - laughable.

However, I believe that “survival” during a time where we are all feeling the collective headache of inflation requires more than some simple financial tips. Survival requires routines, regimens, check ins, and diligence. It requires pivoting where necessary, and keeping your head above water.

So, will I give you tips on what to do with your money? No. Instead, I’m here to share 5 pieces of advice to help you emotionally, mentally and physically survive, as a creative business owner, when inflation is so high that your clients and/or inquiries start petering out.

Because the truth is that this is a normal part of running your own business and being an entrepreneur. Many times, it’s just an issue of mind over matter. 

5 Pieces of Advice to Help You Emotionally Survive Inflation as a Creative Entrepreneur

  1. Create your routines and stick to them. 

Now, I’m a bit of a routine maniac. I love my daily routines. But if you’re the type of artist or creative who doesn’t necessarily like being boxed into a routine or regimented way of working, I am formally requesting that you become one.

Why? Well, when times are scary and the unknown feels a bit suffocating, your brain needs something (else) to focus on. And your routine will help you put yourself on semi-autopilot, so you can keep your business moving forward.

And just know that your routine does not need to look like anyone else’s. You just need to have one, and stick to it. Even when you don’t feel like it (see comment above on: survival and diligence).

2. Work with your brain.

I have no idea why we like to fool ourselves into believing that our brains enjoy multitasking. They don’t. They do not enjoy being told to go hither, thither and yon, especially when they’re in crisis or periods of stress.

So, work with your brain. Batch your work, if possible. If you’re a service provider who offers monthly retainers and project-based work, separate your month in half and work on getting all of your monthly retainer work out first, so you can dedicate the rest of your month to your projects.

Or, if you only offer project-based work, there’s still a ton of work to be done for your own marketing, right? Why not batch things off and split your month up accordingly, so that you don’t have to focus on so many things at once? 

Just a thought. (It works, promise)

3. Never, ever skip your self care.

Bundle it into your daily routine. If your self care is exercise or movement, that needs to take place every. single. day. (Your hips and back will thank me later)

If your form of self care is cooking healthy food (can’t relate), or pampering your skin, don’t skip it. You get the idea. 

Your brain needs a chance to rest and feel safe; living in a price-inflated world means everything is not only stressful (grocery trips, ordering out, etc.), but also a reminder of our fear of failure and destitution as entrepreneurs, too. 

So don’t skip the self care. You need the 30-60 minutes per day to not think, and just do.

4. Give yourself moments to breathe and admit that things sometimes stink.

We are the masters of pretending a problem isn’t there, aren’t we? We think, “if I refuse to address the problem and fear and work really hard, I’ll outrun it.” 

And I’ll be honest with you: tried that method, it hasn’t worked. Prices have only skyrocketed since, no matter how rude I think it is. 

It’s good to remain positive and to try not to dwell on the negative, but if you’re like me, there comes a breaking point when no relief is found. Give yourself the relief you need - take 5 minutes per week to say to yourself or someone else: “this STINKS right?” and then move on. 

5. Take your free time to try new marketing methods.

Inflation has the tendency to mean that we service providers have a lighter schedule, which is the perfect opportunity for us to try out new marketing methods we otherwise wouldn’t have time for!

I don’t know about you, but when things feel uneasy and a little *too* light, nothing makes me feel better than pushing forward and finding my next perfect client. Many times, knowing that we’re doing something that will reap positive results can be the mental relief we need to remain positive while riding out the highs and lows. 

So, maybe you’ll choose to spend more time engaging with your ideal audience on social media, or you’ll give Reels or other short-form videos a shot. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll decide that it’s time to stand out from the crowd and send a delightful cold email to your dream client. 

I don’t know your life (okay, maybe I kind of do) 🤷‍♀️I’m just surviving, too.

About the writer

I’m Kirsten, and I’m notorious for my love of writing long-winded, passionate and helpful articles for freelancers and creative entrepreneurs.

I’m a dog mom, wife and the owner of Alway Services, where I provide business relief to creative entrepreneurs, in the form of long-term and project-based copywriting, community building, sales and marketing strategy, as well as 1:1 strategy sessions.

I’ve created three workbooks with email templates for your every need. Whether you’d like to finesse your Cold Emailing strategy, Build Boundaries or learn how to Overcome Objections, I’m here to help.

Thanks for reading!

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Kirsten Lawler