Rebook your favorite clients with these simple strategies

Juggling the duties of creating content for ever-changing algorithms while also serving your existing clients is exhausting. If we’ve learned anything this year, it’s that hunting for new clients is always more expensive (because time=money, babay) than rebooking past ones.

But, how does one reach out to past clients to rebook them without things getting weird? Hmmm???

(Don’t worry, I’ll tell you in like… 3 seconds)

Here are three strategies you can implement in your existing workflow to seamlessly and effectively rebook your favorite clients! 

  1. Offer a limited-time rebooking discount

When you deliver that glorious brand design folder or photography Dropbox link, it is always a good idea to let them know that you enjoyed working with them, and that you’d love nothing more than to continue that partnership.

Something as simple as, “I’ve loved working with you so much! So, if you end up being interested in (insert services here), don’t hesitate to shoot me an email and let me know - I’ll be happy to offer you a % rebooking discount so we can continue our partnership.” 

Or something like that. Just know that people love gifts and getting money back, so when you offer them the gift of saving money while ALSO working with you? It’s a win-win… win.

2. Send them a friendly (and customized) email

Okay, so maybe there are a few clients of yours who you’d like to reach back out to - ones who have been a bit radio silent since you delivered their project. Just send them a friendly email letting them know what you’re up to, and that you have ____ spots available for a specific service line!

But of course, you’ll want to make sure each email is unique to the recipient. So, something like:

“Hi _____,

I hope you’re doing well!

As you (probably) already know, I loved working with you for (project type/brand name, you get the idea). I’m planning on opening up a couple of spots in (MONTH) for my (service type), and I wanted to reach out to you first to let you know!

If (brand name) is in need of ongoing/project-based (service type), I’d love to schedule a complimentary call to chat through things in a bit more detail - from there, I’ll send you next steps ☺️


…and hey, if you want to go above and beyond, you can EVEN include a rebooking discount for them, too.

3. Deliver their project with upselling options

If you’re a service provider, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is always more you can do. Whether it’s more edited photos and/or GIFs (photographers, obviously), additional social or Pinterest graphics (brand designers), or offering to also write the first three blogs for their site (copywriters + VAs), there’s always more. So, why not offer any upgrade/upselling options when you deliver the project?

By offering those options as a final touch when you deliver a client’s project, you’re basically riding their high of “THIS IS INCREDIBLE.” Quite honestly, they might not even know that they want and need you to do those extra things for them, until they see the final product of the work you deliver. 

Include a quick paragraph with their final project delivery email that states, “To help your launch/project to roll out even more smoothly, I would be happy to provide (additional services)! Let me know if you’re interested, and I’ll get some pricing options your way.”

See? Easy peasy.

Everyone else agrees: we should work together.

Whether you need strategic copywriting for your website, blog or email list OR you’re looking for some 1:1 marketing strategy and support, I’m here to help.

Pin away!

Kirsten Lawler